Student Life

St. Alexander School believes that being a well-rounded individual will help you succeed in life.


We provide countless activities beyond the classroom to complement our students’ academic achievements and to enhance all facets of the human being. Our students take full advantage of these opportunities to grow as individuals, to develop additional skills, to bond with classmates, and to make a difference in our community.

Our emphasis on academics, extra-curriculars, and faith development prepares our students for the challenges of adulthood and for a lifetime of learning, while fostering a strong sense of responsibility for oneself and for others.

Enrichment Activities & Programs

After school enrichment activities are offered throughout the school year to help further enhance our student’s education and broaden their experience. 

A wide variety of enrichment programs are offered for grades K through 8. They are generally offered two to three times per year as six-to-eight-week sessions.


Chess Club

Children’s Choir

Floor Hockey

High School Entrance Exam Preparation

Peer Tutoring

School Newspaper

Student Council


After-School Clubs

Spelling Bee

Join our community!

St. Alexander School focuses on a growth mindset approach as we work together in partnership with our parents to help each student reach their fullest potential.