Student Council
Being a member of the Student Council provides students with leadership experience.
The St. Alexander School Student Council is composed of an Executive Council and a Classroom Representative for each homeroom. All Junior High students are encouraged to participate in the Student Council to develop leadership qualities.
Officers are chosen by the current Student Council members and the Teacher Moderator through an application and interview process. Officers include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Spiritual Director.
Students in grades three through eight vote for their Classroom Representative, and the Teacher Moderator selects the Classroom Representatives for grades PreK through second from the Student Council Officer Applicants.
These are held monthly during lunch and recess.
Service projects, CSW, pep rallies, and more.
Fundraising & organizing dress down days.
School Store
Happy to bring it back by popular demand!
Duties of Elected Officers
Calls the meeting to order and keeps meeting to its order of business.
Handles discussions in an orderly way.
States each motion before it’s discussed and before it’s voted upon.
Puts motions to vote and announces outcomes.
May appoint committees when authorized to do so.
Vice President
Assumes the role of President if the President is absent.
Writes ideas on the board and tallies votes.
Heads Publicity Committee.
Creates agendas for meetings.
Takes notes at every meeting and writes minutes, then submits minutes to Teacher Moderator.
Reports sports results and other information over PA System.
- Collects and counts all money.
- Heads Special Events Committee.
Spiritual Director
- Starts and ends meeting with prayer.
- Leads Mass/Prayer service planning.
Classroom Representatives
Represent their assigned classroom for Grades PreK through 8 at Student Council meetings.
Report important information back to their assigned classroom.
Assist with daily prayer, masses, and prayer services.
Assist Student Council officers as needed and serve on committees.
Gather sport and other information (such as good news) for PA announcements.
Here Are Some Amazing Causes Our Student Council
Planned Dress Down Days Have Supported!
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St. Alexander School focuses on a growth mindset approach as we work together in partnership with our parents to help each student reach their fullest potential.